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South Hill Forest Products
Spring 2013


Worked at a student run non-timber forest products business while learning the advantages of sustainability. Learned and assisted in the process of cultivating mushrooms, making maple syrup and harvesting and extracting honey. Helped to sell products to local businesses, students and community members.

Ithaca College Organic Garden
Spring 2013


Assisted in planning crop rotation, layout and selection for the growing season. Help to plan and organize club meetings and activities. Oversaw and maintained the organic garden during the 2013 growing season.

Cayuga Nature Center
Spring 2014


Assisted with environmental education during seasonal camps for school-aged children. Helped with the production, creation and construction of the center's butterfly garden. Trained as a facilitator of the ropes course and guide groups through the course.


Internships and Volunteer Work

The Youth Farm Project
Spring 2012


Worked as a team to clean up the farm fields from the previous years crop. Learned and carried out the steps in getting the farm fields ready for the upcoming growing season. Maintained existing winter crops. Created a brochure to promote community awareness and support for the project.

Finger Lakes Trail System
Spring 2012


Worked as a team to clean up the farm fields from the previous years crop.Learned and assisted in the process of constructing a new trail route. Gained the ability to use tools when clearing shrubs, roots and debris. Helped to paint and install trail markers properly.

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